Santa Clara Valley Carvers

We promote woodcarving and whittling to the public.

Chip Carving Patterns For Beginners

If you have never tried chip carving before or think chip carving is too hard then try carving the chip carving patterns shared below.

Hi, my name is Roman. I designed these chip carving patterns to learn chip carving more easily. These chip carving patterns remind me of an exploding star so I call the patterns Supernova. The patterns are suitable for beginners and fun to carve by experienced chip carvers. You may download the patterns as a printable PDF doc at the end of this article. Two versions of the Supernova chip carving patterns are available: round and square.

The Supernova pattern is the ultimate project for a new chip carver as it is easy to carve. I spaced all the chips apart, so no two chips share a sharp edge between them. That makes the project forgiving to some common mistakes that lead to broken or uneven ridges. Both round and square patterns consist of 108 three-corner chips each.

Supernova Chip Carving Patterns were designed for beginners by Roman Chernikov . The picture shows two chip-carved patterns with carving almost completed, a knife, and the "" label.
Chip Carving Patterns for Beginners: Supernova

I am very glad that the patterns were featured in the Woodcarving Illustrated magazine. Issue 87, Summer 2019.

After carving slightly sand the board and apply a few coats of acrylic spray finish to protect the wood. Enjoy your coasters.

Tip: carving rosettes is the best way to learn carving with the grain as the chips are aligned to the grain at many different angles. Carve a chip or two on a practice board before carving your project.

Download this scalable PDF document with two Supernova patterns: round and square:

Comment below and share your experience if you carved (or are planning to carve) these chip carving patterns. Visit my website READ N TRY for more chip carving patterns.

Happy carving,

Roman Chernikov (SCVC) Avatar
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